Monday, January 14, 2013

Journal Entry 1

My experience that I had in ENC1101 it was good but the teacher was a little bit more about reading and writing a paper and also doing work out of the book. The work that we did in the class mostly came out of the book, and also writing essay and doing homework. My teacher was a little laid back so we really didn't have much work. I did a lot of peer reviews with our essays. I feel that I gain a little more knowledge in high school than college. It was a review. I also learn how to write in APA, MLA style and also learning how to cite things but I still need a little bit of a review. My class was structured while the teacher used to stand up in front of the class and read from the book and tell us what to do. I need assistance with writing more using big words and also making my vocabulary longer. When I start writing I start at a good point and end up in another land. I have a bad habit into just writing about the topic. I don’t think that I really learned a lot in my first English class like I should have. I wish I could learn more in English instead of a teacher just making me write papers and standing in front of me. I really don’t remember anything so it would be helpful if I could get a review and a good understanding about English.   

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