Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Waiting for superman

After watching the movie waiting for superman, it really made me realize of the things that go on in the schools and do these things really happen the way they do. In the time that I was in school I didn’t worry about the things like the parents should be concern now. I know education is something that all parents should be worrying about. I am an mother of one and I haven’t gotten to a point of him going to school yet but the things that I have experience and I am looking at other parents experience it’s not good. The public schools have been through a lot of things with budget cuts, losing teachers and also the students are not getting taught correctly. The students are failing and when that happens the school grades are going down and that’s not good on the schools behave. I have visit a school that the teacher wasn’t doing anything they were just letting the students have fun and no work was giving. As I look I realized how does this really happen in the school house because when I was young I always had something to do my teachers never had a free day for us. They used to tell us there wasn’t a day like that in this world. The students are getting comfortable of doing nothing in the classroom, it has been so many dropout and student not just wanting to attended school. It making the parents looks bad I just think that a child shouldn’t make their own decision if they are under the age of 18 living in their household.  

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